
We even gives Consultations by Phone also, You can meet our Pandit's/Priest's Personally also subject to prior Appointment only. We are totally Dedicated to the extreme of the cases.


We even gives Consultations by Phone also, You can meet our Pandit's/Priest's Personally also subject to prior Appointment only. We are totally Dedicated to the extreme of the cases.

Temple Information

We even gives Consultations by Phone also, You can meet our Pandit's/Priest's Personally also subject to prior Appointment only. We are totally Dedicated to the extreme of the cases.

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Welcome to

Laxmi NarayanTemple,Sacramento

Message From President

The loss of religion and culture is the initial step towards losing one's identity and the loss of identity is the most lamentable thing that can happen to any group of people. Fortunately, this did not happen to the Indian in Fiji. In spite of having lived under the most trying conditions, our forefathers who were brought to Fiji from India, clung tenaciously to their religion, their culture, and their language. Not only did they retain these priceless assets, they firmly inculcated them in their children and in their grand children who are continuing that tradition in America an in particular here in Sacramento. Our temple in Sacramento stands as a monument to the continuance of that tradition and I feel very fortunate in being a part of the founding committee of the Sacramento Laxmi Narayan Mandir.

As our original members, with the passage of time, become less active due to age or illness, I would like to make a fervent appeal to our younger members to take over their roles so that the work we have begun can continue for generations to come. With the help of the many dedicated members of our community, we have accomplished most of what we had set out to do. People have tirelessly and unselfishly given their time, labor, financial aid, as well as their moral and spiritual support. To them I offer my heartfelt thanks.

My sincere thanks also to the Board of Trustees and to the committee Members who have given me their assistance, their support, and their guidance. May Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, and Mata Durga bestow their blessings upon each and every one of you.

Surendra Singh, President

You are a spark of absolute approbation from God. You deserve success in life, and success comes only through good guidance and effort. The luck favors them who do their part of duty. Astrology lights up the path of human race by applying the ancient knowledge to the human life. Astrology is a super-science. Whereas Science tries to explore the human body, Astrology understands human life, the ups and downs humans face, the reason behind success and failure. It's a path of light. It gives guidance to you to come out of your problems and achieve prosperity in whatever you undertake.

This is possible by remedial measures like wearing gems, offering special prayers to concerned deities and pacifying the planets. Palmistry is a science which deals with pads and lines of the palm, to determine the destiny. The psychology of a person, the inner qualities, weaknesses, decisions, diseases and future can be accurately estimated by the palm of a person.

We make a comparative analysis of the Astrological as well as Palmitic aspects to arrive at greater accuracy in giving predictions and advice. We also provide remedial measures and suggest special prayers to achieve your goals. This is all according to Vedic knowledge descending from great seers of India.

Laxmi Narayan Temple can provide Both Astrology as well as Numerology in Name Number Balancing Method, that is why our Astrology & Numerology Readings are so Accurate & Result Oriented. People say that Whenever any Individual gets His or Her Spellings Altered, or gets the Name of the Company NeurologicallyBalanced, the Results of his Readings are really very Fast.

We Just need the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Date Of Birth
  • Time of Birth
  • Place of Birth
  • Date of Marriage
  • This allows us to Check Your Horoscope (Astrological as well as Numerological Charts ) through Science of Astrology as well as Numerology With Both Indian as well as American System. Wesuggest Very Simple & Practical Remedies which are Very Easy to Perform & are very effective also. From that point we can Predict your Horoscope By Minute, and Analyzing the Divisional as Well as Sub Divisional Charts. We Even Check the Nakshatras when You were Born in. We Balance your Name as well as your Company's Name According to Astrology as well as Numerology Taking into Consideration the Position of Planets in all your Divisional as well as Sub divisional charts of your Horoscope.

    Our methods of prediction is completely different from other Astrologers as well as Numerologists because we Calculation the number of Degrees of the Planets affecting your Horoscope (Janam Kundli ), We check the Degrees of the Planets that whether they are in the state of Infancy, Old Age or the Degree Level of Planets is Moderate.

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